Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Historical Thinking Unit Wrap Up

How do historians read historical documents?

Historians read documents as if they are evidence to crimes. They analyze every inch of detail in the documents to see if there are any fingerprints or smudges left behind. In this way, they are like forensic investigators. They read the documents to see if they can test or conteadict the theory or idea on what happened. Sometimes, they find extra "evidence" to add and sometimes they don't.( As if they were investigating "murders" )
stock photo : forensic analysis
How do historians write history?

Historians don’t write history, they present history. They take what they learned from several sources to find a “happy medium". With this they form a "credible" theory, like scientists, on the historical event being investigated. Historians are detectives and scientists combined into one. While others are changing history they are investigating how, why, when, where, and who. They are reporters trying to expose the truth. They are forensics, trying to find evidence to incriminate the history makers. Their job will never cease.

"forensic analysis" from: by:Alexandru-Radu Borzea. On PixaBay


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse Project

What is history?

First day of school

What is history?
1. History is the learning of the world's mistakes, accomplishments, and leaders.
How do you like to learn History?
2.I like to learns History by reading and acting out events.
Do you enjoy History?
3. I enjoy history as long as it is taught in a fun way.
What Happens in History?
4. In History you take notes while reading, to try to understand what happened in the past.

My thoughts on 9-25-12

What is History?
1. History is the learning of the world's mistakes, accomplishments, and leaders.
What has been your experience in History class?
2. History class has been an enjoyable experience. I learned about meta cognitive strategies through fun experiences: the worst power point ever project, the Zombie Apocalypse project, and the deserted island experience.
What Happens In History?
3. In History class I participate in invigorating discussions while learning the importance of historical thinking.